I hope to get back into my classroom later next week to take pictures: before and after. I am still working on the curtains, but I may have waited too long to get one of the items I needed to make them, grrr. I'm heading out this weekend to check those summer clearance aisles.
I have also been working on my own version of a Pinterest inspired project for the first day of school. I hope to get it finished this weekend and then I will show you pictures.
My bloggy goal is to take lots of pictures. My favorite blogs are those with lots of pictures but I have so many problems with my camera not keeping a charge. I wish I could replace it but for now I will take pics on my phone and share those.
Have a wonderful weekend and enjoy those last few days of summer vacation!!
Happy late birthday! I have the giveaway posted on my blog! Thanks for participating! :)
Apples and ABC's